[File] [PATCH] Microsoft Office XML with additional directory

Andy Beverley andy at andybev.com
Mon Nov 8 09:58:55 UTC 2021

I've come across a Microsoft Office XML file with an additional 
directory within the zip. I'm not sure what application is actually 
generating it unfortunately (it's been submitted to our application via 
a user).

The format of the zip file is (note additional customXml folder):

├─ customXml/
├─ docProps/
├─ _rels/
├─ word/
├─ [Content_Types].xml

With the current version of ooxml, this particular file format is 
recognized as a "Microsoft OOXML" file but the mime type is missing.

I've attached a patch that fixes recognition of the mime type. Is the 
patch okay or does it need some more work?


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