[File] [regression] Magdir/windows for Remote Desktop Protocol connection *.rdp

FC Stegerman flx at obfusk.net
Mon Feb 20 19:18:41 UTC 2023

* Christos Zoulas <christos at zoulas.com> [2023-02-20 19:44]:
> Would it break things if we make the string test a text only test?

AFAIK that would break quite a few things.  So I would recommend
against doing that.

For example, changing this entry I recently submitted to use string/t
instead of string will break it completely.


  # extracted APK Signing Block
  -16	string	APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042	APK Signing Block

  $ file APKSigningBlock
  APKSigningBlock: APK Signing Block


  # extracted APK Signing Block
  -16	string/t	APK\x20Sig\x20Block\x2042	APK Signing Block

  $ file APKSigningBlock
  APKSigningBlock: data

- FC

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