[File] [PATCH] Magdir/archive POSIX tar generic for Webmin Module, Theme

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Sat Jul 27 14:55:52 UTC 2024

Committed, thanks!


> On Jul 22, 2024, at 5:37 PM, Jörg Jenderek (GMX) <joerg.jen.der.ek at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> i was not satisfied with GUI configuration tools on my Raspian systems.
> So i looked for alternatives. So i try webmin. The functionality is
> expandable by modules. These typically have file name suffix WBM.
> Some samples have file name suffix WBT. This means Webmin Theme.
> When i run newest file command on such samples and related files with -e
> tar option i get an output like:
> FRITZ.Box_7520_B-07.57.image: AVM FRITZ!Box firmware HW276
> 			      (FRITZ!Box 7520 B),
> 			      version 07.57, directory
> 			      ./var/, mode 0040755, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000000, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14474476653, file
> 			      ./var/content, mode 0100644, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000000, size 00000000543,
> 			      seconds 14474476653
> apcupsd-0.81-2.wbm:           POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      apcupsd/, mode 0040700, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000001, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 07172756000, user
> 			      root, group bin
> authentic-theme-21.09.5.wbt:  POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      authentic-theme/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0000765, gid 0000024, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14522234321, user
> 			      user, group staff
> cwmail.wbm:                   POSIX tar archive, directory
> 			      cwmail, mode 000755 , uid
> 			      000016 , gid 000004 , size 00000000000 ,
> 			      seconds 07102263376, user
> 			      grund, group bin, devmin 476230
> etcupdate.wbm:                POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      etcupdate/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000000, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10300072753, user
> 			      root, group root
> link.wbm:                     POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      link/, mode 0040775, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 07627514126, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> lpadmin.wbm:                  POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      lpadmin/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14513515572, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> memcached.wbm:                POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      memcached/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0001750, gid 0000144, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 11671622453, user
> 			      user, group users
> old-blue-theme-1.0.wbm:       POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      old-blue-theme/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 12457303450, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> old-blue-theme.wbm:           POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      old-blue-theme/, mode 0040755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10533114330, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> old-mscstyle3.wbm:            POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      old-mscstyle3/, mode 0040755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000000, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10343426200, user
> 			      jcameron, group root
> virtual-server-mobile.wbm:    POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      virtual-server-mobile/, mode 0040775, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 11047144366, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> virtual-server-theme-3.4.wbt: POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      virtual-server-theme/, mode 0040775, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10562743567, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> webmin.wbm:                   POSIX tar archive (GNU), directory
> 			      webmin/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14513515571, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> With option --extension for samples wrong tar/gtar or tar/ustar suffix
> are shown. With -i option application/x-gtar or application/x-ustar is
> shown.
> For comparison reason i also run the file format identification utility
> DROID (See https://sourceforge.net/projects/droid/). Here the samples
> are recognized generic. These are described as "Tape Archive Format"with
> mime type application/x-tar by PUID x-fmt/265.
> On Linux according to shared MIME-info database such samples are called
> "Tar archive". Here application/x-gtar is used as mime type.  The
> samples are just recognized by looking for 8 byte sequence
> ustar\040\040\0 at offset 257.  Here 3 suffix (tar gtar gem) are listed.
> That information can be seen in source freedesktop.org.xml.in found for
> example on gitlab.freedesktop.org.
> For comparison reason i run the file format identification utility
> TrID ( See https://mark0.net/soft-trid-e.html). This identifies
> all WBT samples as "Webmin Theme" or as variant "Webmin Theme (gif)"
> with highest priority with mime type  application/x-gtar by wbt.trid.xml
> or wbt-gif.trid.xml. Many of the WBM samples are described as "Webmin
> Module" with application/octet-stream by wbm.trid.xml. A few WBM samples
> (like old-blue-theme.wbm old-blue-theme-1.0.wbm old-mscstyle3.wbm
> virtual-server-mobile.wbm) are described as "Webmin Theme". The samples
> are also described with lowest priority as "TAR - Tape ARchive
> (directory)" with application/x-tar mime type and 1 suffix (.TAR) by
> ark-tar-dir.trid.xml (See appended trid-v-webmin.txt.gz).
> This tool list the used file name extension and with -v option the
> related URL pointing to some file format information. The tar format is
> documented, but is is used by Webmin to pack their modules or themes.
> Luckily there exist a page about creating Modules and Themes on webmin
> web server.
> So i use these pages as reference. That informations are expressed by
> comment lines inside Magdir/archive like:
> # URL:	https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmin
> #	https://webmin.com/docs/development/creating-modules/
> #	https://webmin.com/docs/development/creating-themes/
> # Ref.:	http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z/defs/w/
> #	wbm.trid.xml	wbt.trid.xml
> So i put displaying part inside sub routine that starts like
> 0	name		tar-webmin
> >0	string		x		Webmin
> According to documentation a module.info file is mandatory for WBM
> samples. For WBT samples is written that here theme.info instead is
> used. So i look for such files inside archives. The Webmin software
> instead of standard suffix like GTAR or TAR use another file name suffix
> like WBM or WBT. Instead of standard tar mime type i choose an user
> defined one. So instead of unpacking tool an module unpacking tool for
> webmin modules can be called. So the sub classification for Module or
> Theme is done by next part. That looks like:
> >>512	search/1767941/s /module.info	Module
> !:mime	application/x-webmin-module
> !:ext	wbm
> >>512	default		x
> >>>512	search/3149333/s /theme.info	Theme
> !:mime	application/x-webmin-theme
> !:ext	wbt
> >>>512	default		x		Module or Theme
> !:mime	application/x-webmin
> !:ext	wbm/wbt
> Unfortunately a few samples (like old-blue-theme.wbm
> old-blue-theme-1.0.wbm old-mscstyle3.wbm virtual-server-mobile.wbm) are
> then described as WBT. After hard thinking i believe that in these
> samples the wrong file name suffix WBM instead of WBT is here used. For
> case that no suited info file is found then offer "third" sub class.
> Most samples are packed with GNU tar. A few (1/429) samples like
> cwmail.wbm are packed with POSIX tar. So show that information by next
> part. That looks like:
> >257	string		=ustar		(
> >>261	ubelong		=0x72202000	\bGNU tar)
> >>261	ubelong		0x72003030	\bPOSIX tar)
> Apparently the first archive member name[100] is directory (like:
> dynbind/ ssh/ virtualmin-powerdns/ virtual-server-mobile/ vnc/ ). This
> names often correlates with the module name. So show that information by
> next line. That looks like:
> >>0	use	tar-entry
> Then we see that most (419/429) *.WBM and (71/71) *.WBT samples has user
> name jcameron of Webmin developer Jamie Cameron in first tar archive
> member. So i can use this feature as test criterium to distinguish
> webmin samples from normal tar archives.
> Then in subroutine look again for characteristic WBM module info name
> starting with "module.info" (like in ssh2.wbm) or characteristic WBT
> theme info name starting with "theme.info" (like in:
> authentic-theme-21.09.5.wbt) and for control reason show information
> about that archive member. That is done by last part. That looks like:
> >>512	search/1767941/s /module.info
> >>>&0	search/257/s	ustar
> >>>>&-257 use	tar-entry
> >>512	search/3149333/s /theme.info\0
> >>>&0	search/257/s	ustar
> >>>>&-257 use	tar-entry
> Some modules also contain language specific file (like module.info.fi).
> So instead of explicitly searching for module.info which often comes
> very late in archive i also accept a language variant.
> After check for AVM firmware with sub routine tar-avm check for webmin
> samples. Most (419/429) *.WBM (71/71) *.WBT with user name jcameron of
> Webmin developer Jamie Cameron in first tar archive member are handled
> by first additional test line. Afterwards for few (10/429 like
> apcupsd-0.81-2.wbm csavupdate.wbm cwmail.wbm dac960.wbm etcupdate.wbm
> logviewer.wbm memcached.wbm rinetd.wbm shoutcast.wbm
> vacationadmin-webmin-module-1.1.2.wbm) *.WBM without user name jcameron
> in 1st tar member and few (10/95 like authentic-theme-21.09.5.wbt
> Mozilla-Modern.wbt virtual-server-theme-2.7.wbt
> fkn-webmintheme.0.6.0.wbt) *.WBT without user name jcameron in 1st tar
> member i look for filename (like module.info or theme.info) and call
> suited sub routine. If afterwards nothing is matched, then i assume is
> is a pure tar archive which is handled by sub routine tar-file. So this
> part now becomes like:
> >>>>>>>>0	ubequad&0xFFffE5eaE8ffFFff	0x2e2f6460602f0000
> >>>>>>>>>0	use	tar-avm
> >>>>>>>>265	string		jcameron
> >>>>>>>>>0	use	tar-webmin
> >>>>>>>>0	default		x
> >>>>>>>>>512	search/210965/s	e.info\0
> >>>>>>>>>>0	use	tar-webmin
> >>>>>>>>>0	default		x
> >>>>>>>>>>0	use	tar-file
> After applying the above mentioned modifications by patch
> file-archive-webmin.diff then my webmin samples are more precisely
> described. This now with -e tar option looks like:
> FRITZ.Box_7520_B-07.57.image: AVM FRITZ!Box firmware HW276
> 			      (FRITZ!Box 7520 B),
> 			      version 07.57, directory
> 			      ./var/, mode 0040755, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000000, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14474476653, file
> 			      ./var/content, mode 0100644, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000000, size 00000000543,
> 			      seconds 14474476653
> apcupsd-0.81-2.wbm:           Webmin Module (GNU tar), directory
> 			      apcupsd/, mode 0040700, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000001, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 07172756000, user
> 			      root, group bin, file
> 			      apcupsd/module.info, mode 0100600, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000001, size 00000000233,
> 			      seconds 07165100524, user
> 			      root, group bin
> authentic-theme-21.09.5.wbt:  Webmin Theme (GNU tar), directory
> 			      authentic-theme/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0000765, gid 0000024, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14522234321, user
> 			      user, group staff, file
> 			      authentic-theme/theme.info,
> 			      mode 0000644, uid
> 			      0000765, gid 0000024, size 00000000651,
> 			      seconds 14522531211, user
> 			      user, group staff
> cwmail.wbm:                   Webmin Module (POSIX tar), directory
> 			      cwmail, mode 000755 , uid
> 			      000016 , gid 000004 , size 00000000000 ,
> 			      seconds 07102263376, user
> 			      grund, group bin, devmin 476230 , file
> 			      cwmail/module.info, mode 000755 , uid
> 			      000016 , gid 000004 , size 00000000603 ,
> 			      seconds 07101263313, user
> 			      grund, group bin, devmin 475434
> etcupdate.wbm:                Webmin Module (GNU tar), directory
> 			      etcupdate/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000000, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10300072753, user
> 			      root, group root, file
> 			      etcupdate/module.info, mode 0000644, uid
> 			      0000000, gid 0000000, size 00000000142,
> 			      seconds 10300351140, user
> 			      root, group root
> link.wbm:                     Webmin Module (GNU tar), directory
> 			      link/, mode 0040775, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 07627514126, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel, file
> 			      link/module.info, mode 0100664, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000045,
> 			      seconds 07627513435, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> lpadmin.wbm:                  Webmin Module (GNU tar), directory
> 			      lpadmin/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14513515572, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel, file
> 			      lpadmin/module.info.fi, mode 0000664, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14513515572, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> memcached.wbm:                Webmin Module (GNU tar), directory
> 			      memcached/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0001750, gid 0000144, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 11671622453, user
> 			      user, group users, file
> 			      memcached/module.info, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0001750, gid 0000144, size 00000000103,
> 			      seconds 11671621611, user
> 			      user, group users
> old-blue-theme-1.0.wbm:       Webmin Theme (GNU tar), directory
> 			      old-blue-theme/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 12457303450, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel, file
> 			      old-blue-theme/theme.info,
> 			      mode 0000644, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000121,
> 			      seconds 12457303450, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> old-blue-theme.wbm:           Webmin Theme (GNU tar), directory
> 			      old-blue-theme/, mode 0040755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10533114330, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel, file
> 			      old-blue-theme/theme.info,
> 			      mode 0100664, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000172,
> 			      seconds 10533114330, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> old-mscstyle3.wbm:            Webmin Theme (GNU tar), directory
> 			      old-mscstyle3/, mode 0040755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000000, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10343426200, user
> 			      jcameron, group root, file
> 			      old-mscstyle3/theme.info,
> 			      mode 0100644, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000000, size 00000000121,
> 			      seconds 10343426200, user
> 			      jcameron, group root
> virtual-server-mobile.wbm:    Webmin Theme (GNU tar), directory
> 			      virtual-server-mobile/, mode 0040775, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 11047144366, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel, file
> 			      virtual-server-mobile/theme.info,
> 			      mode 0100664, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000136,
> 			      seconds 11047144365, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> virtual-server-theme-3.4.wbt: Webmin Theme (GNU tar), directory
> 			      virtual-server-theme/, mode 0040775, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 10562743567, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel, file
> 			      virtual-server-theme/theme.info,
> 			      mode 0100664, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000074,
> 			      seconds 10562743567, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> webmin.wbm:                   Webmin Module (GNU tar), directory
> 			      webmin/, mode 0000755, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14513515571, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel, file
> 			      webmin/module.info.fi, mode 0000664, uid
> 			      0005671, gid 0000012, size 00000000000,
> 			      seconds 14513515571, user
> 			      jcameron, group wheel
> I hope my diff file can be applied in future version of file
> utility.
> With best wishes,
> Jörg Jenderek
> --
> Jörg Jenderek
> <Nachrichtenteil als Anhang.DEFANGED-8433><trid-v-image.txt.gz><file-archive-webmin_diff.DEFANGED-8434><file-archive-webmin_diff_sig.DEFANGED-8435>-- 
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