[File] [PATCH] Magdir/ole2compounddocs for Easy CD Creator Layout *.cl2 *..cl4

Christos Zoulas christos at zoulas.com
Sat May 25 18:31:13 UTC 2024

Committed, thanks!


> On May 21, 2024, at 10:46 AM, Jörg Jenderek <joerg.jen.der.ek at gmx.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> some days ago i must handle an old CD-ROM. This contains application to
> burn CD-ROM or images for them. Some parts of have file name suffix cl2
> or cl4. The application is called like Adaptec Easy CD Creator with
> version 4.02b.
> When running file command version 5.45 on such CD-ROM layouts i get an
> output like:
> MY_CD3.cl4:    Composite Document File V2 Document
> 	       , Cannot read section info
> MY_CD4.cl4:    Composite Document File V2 Document
> 	       , Cannot read section info
> My-layout.cl2: Composite Document File V2 Document
> 	       , Cannot read section info
> When running file command version 5.45 with -e cdf option on such
> layouts i get an output like:
> MY_CD3.cl4:    OLE 2 Compound Document, v3.62, SecID 0x2
> 	       , Mini FAT start sector 0x4
> 	       : UNKNOWN, clsid
> 	       0x0293c3a90a77d111893f00802964b632
> 	       {A9C39302-770A-11D1-893F-00802964B632}
> 	       with names
> 	       Contents   \377\377\3 \377\377\3 \377\377\3
> MY_CD4.cl4:    OLE 2 Compound Document, v3.62, SecID 0x2
> 	       , Mini FAT start sector 0x4
> 	       : UNKNOWN, clsid
> 	       0x0293c3a90a77d111893f00802964b632
> 	       {A9C39302-770A-11D1-893F-00802964B632}
> 	       with names
> 	       Contents   \377\377\3 \377\377\3 \377\377\3
> My-layout.cl2: OLE 2 Compound Document, v3.62, SecID 0x2
> 	       , 9 FAT sectors, 0 Mini FAT sector
> 	       : UNKNOWN
> 	       with names
> 	       Contents   \377\377\3 ! A
> With option --extension only 3 byte sequence ??? is shown.
> With option -i only generic application/x-ole-storage is shown.
> For comparison reason i run the file format identification utility
> TrID ( See https://mark0.net/soft-trid-e.html). This identifies also
> all examples with low priority as "Generic OLE2 / Multistream
> Compound"  with application/x-ole-storage mime type by docfile.trid.xml.
> The examples are described with high priority as "Easy CD Creator
> Layout" by cl4.trid.xml with generic application/octet-stream mime type
> and 3 possible file name extensions (.CL2/CL3/CL4 See appended
> trid-v-cl2.txt.gz).
> For comparison reason i also run the file format identification
> utility DROID ( See https://sourceforge.net/projects/droid/). This
> identifies all layouts only generic as "OLE2 Compound Document"
> by PUID fmt/111.
> Luckily with information given by the other tools i also found a
> page about Easy CD Creator on file formats archive team web site. There
> also links for software are listed. That informations are expressed by
> comment lines inside Magdir/ole2compounddocs like:
> # URL:		http://fileformats.archiveteam.org/wiki/Easy_CD_Creator
> # Reference:	http://mark0.net/download/triddefs_xml.7z
> #		defs/c/cl4.trid.xml
> The layout file are recognized as "OLE 2 Compound Document"
> by starting bytes (\320\317\021\340\241\261\032\341) at the beginning
> inside Magdir/ole2compounddocs. Obviously there exist no code
> fragment to do sub class identification. So the examples are
> described as "UNKNOWN". Furthermore the cl4 examples have a registered
> Root storage object CLSID and this value is nil for cl2 samples. In
> first case file command display afterwords this information by a phrase
> like clsid 0x0293c3a90a77d111893f00802964b632 or in curly brace notation
> as {A9C39302-770A-11D1-893F-00802964B632}.  That means that for cl4
> samples in branch handling non null CLSID GUID lines must be added. The
> last entry was Autodesk Inventor Part (*.ipt). So i add afterwards lines
> for my inspected examples. That looks like:
> >>88 	ubequad		0x893f00802964b632	: Easy
> >>>80 	ubequad		0x0293c3a90a77d111	CD Creator 4 Layout
> !:mime	application/x-corel-cl4
> !:ext	cl4
> Instead of generic application/x-ole-storage mime type i show an user
> defined one. In documents also suffix cl3 is mentioned. Unfortunately i
> found no such examples. So i do not know if this third suffix is matched
> by branch for cl2 or cl4. So i mentioned it only in comment line.
> For cl2 suffix that means that in branch handling CLSID GUID 0 code must
> be added. The last entry was for PageMaker. So i add afterwards lines
> for my inspected cl2 examples. Luckily file command print some directory
> entry names. In all examples this is word "Contents" encoded as UTF-16.
> This characteristic is also found in global string section inside TrID
> definition by line like:
> 		<String>C'O'N'T'E'N'T'S</String>
> So by first additional line i look for second directory entry with
> UTF-16 encoded name Contents. That looks like:
> >>>>128 lestring16	Contents	: Easy CD Creator 2 Layout
> !:mime	application/x-corel-cl2
> !:ext	cl2
> Instead of generic application/x-ole-storage mime type i show an user
> defined one. TrID definition also checks for 3 strings (SesnDescriptor
> CD_PLUS 0090).
> After applying the above mentioned modifications by patch
> file-ole2compounddocs-cl2.diff, then all my inspected Easy CD Creator
> layout examples are now recognized. This now looks with -e cdf option like:
> MY_CD3.cl4:    OLE 2 Compound Document, v3.62, SecID 0x2
> 	       , Mini FAT start sector 0x4
> 	       : Easy CD Creator 4 Layout
> MY_CD4.cl4:    OLE 2 Compound Document, v3.62, SecID 0x2
> 	       , Mini FAT start sector 0x4
> 	       : Easy CD Creator 4 Layout
> My-layout.cl2: OLE 2 Compound Document, v3.62, SecID 0x2
> 	       , 9 FAT sectors, 0 Mini FAT sector
> 	       : Easy CD Creator 2 Layout
> With -e cdf and --extension option this now looks like:
> MY_CD3.cl4:    cl4
> MY_CD4.cl4:    cl4
> My-layout.cl2: cl2
> I hope my diff file can be applied in future version of file
> utility.
> With best wishes,
> Jörg Jenderek
> --
> Jörg Jenderek
> <file-5_41-ole2compounddocs-pagemaker_diff.DEFANGED-898><file-5_41-ole2compounddocs-pagemaker_diff_sig.DEFANGED-899><Nachrichtenteil als Anhang.DEFANGED-900><trid-v-cl2.txt.gz><file-ole2compounddocs-cl2_diff.DEFANGED-901><file-ole2compounddocs-cl2_diff_sig.DEFANGED-902>-- 
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