[Tcsh] "Readable" Unicode in setenv

Kimmo Suominen kim at netbsd.org
Fri Dec 10 12:36:16 UTC 2021

On Fri, 10 Dec 2021 at 13:57, H.Merijn Brand <tcsh at tux.freedom.nl> wrote:
> % setenv EURO "\x{20ac}" ; echo $EURO
>  ac
> If not a bug, could you explain why?

Hmm... interesting. So on a NetBSD host:

equinoxe:~> setenv EURO "\x{20ac}" ; echo $EURO
equinoxe:~> env | grep -i euro
equinoxe:~> echo "\x{20ac}"
equinoxe:~> set echo_style=both
equinoxe:~> echo "\x{20ac}"
equinoxe:~> echo $EURO
equinoxe:~> echo $EURO:q
equinoxe:~> set echo_style=bsd
equinoxe:~> echo $EURO
equinoxe:~> echo $EURO:q

So it has something to do with expanding the value. I don't think I
changed anything about that. I don't know why the braces get removed
without the :q modifier.

But instead of storing the escape sequence in the ECHO environment
variable, I would suggest storing the actual character. This way you
can even skip ensuring echo_style is what you need.

equinoxe:~> setenv EURO $'\x{20ac}'
equinoxe:~> echo $EURO
equinoxe:~> env | grep -i euro

Kind regards,
+ Kimmo

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