[File] Does this project accept feature requests?

Brad Pitt da Paixão bradpaixaopitt at gmail.com
Mon Feb 12 14:30:14 UTC 2024


I'd like to know whether this project accepts feature requests. I have a 
bunch of file formats I am working with that aren't recognized by files. 
Specifically, they are formats used internally by games made by the (now 
apparently deceased) Korean company Softnyx.

I'm dedicating time to preserving the memory of some of those games, 
archiving stuff from them and talking to people working in private servers 
(mainly reverse engineers). There are some proprietary file formats made by 
companies other than Softnyx, some made by themselves, and I was wondering 
if there's anyway those could be added to Files. I'd like to do that 
myself, but unfortunately, I only program in Python.


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