[Tcsh] tcsh and Alpine Linux: progress, anyone?

Vlad Meșco vlad.mesco at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 10:47:34 UTC 2022

Le 28 novembre 2022 11:33:15 GMT+02:00, Luke Mewburn <luke at mewburn.net> a écrit :
>On 22-11-26 23:41, Vlad Meșco wrote:
>  | Le 26 novembre 2022 21:21:01 GMT+02:00, Christos Zoulas <christos at zoulas.com> a écrit :
>  | >Alpine uses must c which is "opinionated" about things like
>  | >defining a CPP symbol to differentiate itself because it claims one
>  | >should not be needed because it provides a standards compliant
>  | >implementation and such checks should be unnecessary:
>  | >https://wiki.musl-libc.org/faq.html
>  | >At the same time it uses a malloc implementation that causes
>  | >problems for programs which try to use a custom allocator (replace musl's
>  | >allocator):
>  | >https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/testing-alternative-c-memory-allocators-pt-2-musl-mystery-gomes/
>  | >https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/issues/12913
>  | >
>  | 
>  | My $0.02: Having to occasionally support cross platform builds
>  | across a whole bunch of platforms at work, I wouldn't rely on GLIBC
>  | not being defined meaning it's musl's/Alpine's  behaviour in 2022.
>  | There's bionic, uclib, and probably someone out there is working on
>  | a 15th standard C library, and there will be a distro using it. And
>  | somewhere there will be an issue. It would be a neverending problem.
>  | 
>  |  [...]
>  | 
>  | You mention musl has issues with someone trying to replace the
>  | allocator, surely that can be tested for? Now this is me being
>  | ignorant to how autoconf works: is one able to add a custom check,
>  | if such a check can be written? Then this could add a define to the
>  | pile to force SYSMALLOC on in config_f.h (wishful thinking). I mean,
>  | this is less of a preference and more of a necessity.
>Hi Vlad,
>If you can provide a minimal test program that we can run
>to determine if the problem exists on Alpine / musl /... ,
>versus not failing on more common platforms, I'm happy to work
>with you to turn that into an autoconf check (since I have a
>lot of experience with doing that).


I'll go find some time.


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