[Tcsh] Patch: Addition: "set noexitifjobs"

Kimmo Suominen kim at netbsd.org
Sun Feb 26 09:22:18 UTC 2023

On Sat, 25 Feb 2023 at 18:54, Jamie Landeg-Jones <jamie at catflap.org> wrote:
> I can understand not wanting to clutter up the variable list, so
> would a multiple-valued ingoreeof therefore be the best way forward?

I think that's the solution I'd like.

> P.S. If you don't think this would be useful to add, that's fine. I
>      don't want to be responsible for adding useless clutter - I can
>      always just stick with my own local patch set.

This is something I would use, for sure. I still have this in my .tcshrc:

    set ignoreeof=2
    # No warning about background jobs if it is 2!
    unset ignoreeof

So 3 seemed like the minimum "useful" value, but then you'd be hitting
^D almost as many times as it takes to type exit. :)

+ Kimmo

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